- Lacura
- 18-Health
- 3M
- 3pp
- A&D Medical
- A-T Surgical
- ACTIVApatch
- AG Industries
- AMD Ritmed
- ASO Corp.
- Abena
- AbleTripodCane
- Ableware
- AccuRelief
- AccuTex
- Accuro
- Accutouch
- Action Products
- ActivaTek
- Active Ankle
- Acuforce
- Adam
- Advantrode
- Agupunt
- AirForm
- Aircast
- Alimed
- Alvema
- AmTryke
- American Orthopaedic
- Amerigel
- Andover
- Apex Carex
- AquaFins
- AquaShield
- Aquaflex
- Aquaphor
- Armedica
- Atlas Biomechanics
- AxelGaard
- B & F Allied Healthcare
- B Braun Medical
- BSN Jobst
- BSN Medical
- Bariatric RollAider
- Bathmaster
- BeasyTrans
- BedCane
- Bedside Valet
- Bella
- Benik
- Bilt Rite
- BioStim
- Biofreeze
- Biomedical Innovations
- Birchlabs
- Bird & Cronin Inc
- Body Solid
- Body Up
- Bon Vital
- Bowman dispensers
- Brand
- Breezy
- Briggs
- Briggs Health Care
- Bunnell
- CAM Walker
- CamelBak
- CanDo
- Cardinal Health
- Carefor
- Caresia
- Carex
- Cervical Posture Pump
- Champ
- Chattanooga
- Circaid
- Clinton
- Coban
- Columbia Scientific
- Combi
- Comfort
- Comfort Company
- Comfy Splints
- Communication Label
- Compass Health
- Compass Health Brands
- Complete Medical
- Comprilan
- CoolXChange
- Core Products
- CoreStretch
- CouchCane
- Covidien
- Cramer
- Crutch-Mate
- CryoStim
- Cryocup
- Curad
- DM Systems Inc
- Danmar Products
- Darco
- Dauerbinde
- Days
- DeRoyal
- Deltis
- Deluxe New Era
- Derma Saver
- DermaRite
- Dial
- Digital Medical Shop
- Digitec
- Drive
- Drive Medical
- Duracell
- Dyna-FlexPro
- DynaPro
- Dynarex
- EDM3
- EZ-Bathe
- EZ-Shampoo
- Eagle Health Supplies
- EarthLite
- EasyGlider
- Eclipse
- Elasto-Gel
- Elastomull
- Elta
- Endura
- Energy Flo
- EpX
- Ergoactives
- Ergofit
- Essential Medical
- Etac
- Eucerin
- Exercise & Physical Therapy
- ExoSoft
- ExoStrong
- Exoform
- FabEnt
- FabricForm
- Fabrifoam
- Farrow
- FitBall
- Fitter
- FlexPower
- Foam-Filled Tropic Pac
- FootFidget
- Form Fit
- Free-Up
- Freedom
- GE Healthcare
- Game Ready
- Gel Mate
- Gel-Care
- GelSmart
- Gelocast
- Gentell
- Global
- Good2Go
- Grafco
- Graham Field
- Graham-Field
- Guardian
- GymWipes
- Gymnic
- Hand Helper II
- Handmaster Plus
- Hardy Diagnostics
- Hartmann
- Hasbro
- Hatch
- Hausmann
- HawkGrips
- Haylard
- Health Care Logistics
- Healthmark
- Heelift
- Henry Schein
- Hi-D
- Home Care Products
- Homecraft
- Hoyer
- Human Care
- Hyperice
- I-Bresis
- Ice It!!
- Ideal Products
- Impacto
- Impulse
- InTENSity
- Innovation in Motion
- InterMed
- Intimate rose
- Invacare
- Iogel
- Iomed
- IontoPatch
- Isoband
- Isotoner
- It Stays
- J And H
- Jack Frost
- Jamar
- Jelly Bean
- JiaJian
- Jobst
- Johnson & Johnson
- Juzo
- Kendall
- Kinesio
- Kinetec
- Kinsman Enterprises
- LS&S
- Lacura
- LevGo
- Life Fitness
- Lifeline
- Lightplast
- LiquiCell
- LiquiGuard
- Lohmann & Rauscher
- LymphaTouch
- M-Brace
- MRIequip
- MTC bio
- Maclaren
- Maddak
- Magister
- Matrix
- McKesson
- McKesson Brand
- MedSource
- Medi
- MediBeads
- MediGuard
- Medical Product
- Medicool
- Mediven
- Medline
- Medline Brand
- Medplus
- Medprod
- Mepiform
- Mepitel
- Metron
- Mettler
- Millennial Medical
- Mind Resources
- MiniPro
- Miracle Belt
- Moen
- Mor Medical International
- Mueller
- MyoTrac
- Neosporin
- Neotech
- NewGel
- Nivea
- Norco
- NormaTec
- Nymo
- Oakworks
- Oakworks Medical
- Oleeva
- Orfit
- Orfit Ease
- OrthoPro
- Ossur
- Otoplastik
- Palmers
- Parabath
- Parasilk
- Parker
- Parsons ADL
- Patterson Medical
- Pedifix
- Peg Domino
- Performa
- Performance Health
- Perrigo
- Philips
- Phoenix
- Playtime
- Pneu-Gait
- Pneu-Trac
- Pneu-walker
- Pneuweight
- Poltex
- Posey
- Power-Stride
- Power-Web
- PowerFlex
- PowerPlay
- Primera
- Prism Medical
- Pro Tec
- Pro-Tec
- ProBasics
- Procare
- Prossage
- Quadstar
- REP Band
- Readywrap
- Rebound
- Redmoby
- Richmar
- RockSauce
- RockTape
- Rocket Medical
- Roho
- Rolyan
- Rosidal
- Roylan
- Rx Crush
- SP Ableware - Maddak
- Saebo
- Safe-t mate
- Safetec
- SafetySure
- Sage
- Sammons Preston
- SaniZide Plus
- Saratoga Cycle
- Savant
- SciFit
- ScoochSafe
- Scott Pilates
- Scott Specialties
- Scott Specialties Inc
- Scott Specialties, Inc
- Seirin
- Setopress
- ShearStop
- Shove-a-lugs
- Sigvaris
- Silipos
- Silon-LTS
- Sissel
- Skil-Care
- SkinSational
- Sky Medical Inc.
- Slippery Stuff
- Smart
- Smart-Rail
- Smith and Nephew
- Soapy Soles
- Soft Touch
- SolM
- Sombra
- Spenco
- SpiderTech
- Spirit
- SportsArt
- SportsPump
- Sprint
- Standard Base
- Stander
- Standers, Inc
- Statlab
- Stott
- Stretch Net
- Sup-R Band
- Sup-R-Soft
- Super-Slings
- SuperSlide
- Swede-O
- Tab Grab
- Tall Stacker
- Temper Foam
- Tensive
- Tensnet
- Terry Tropic Pac
- Tetragrip
- The Cast Handle
- The Prometheus Group
- The Stick
- Thera Cane
- Thera-Pure
- TheraBand
- TheraWand
- Therabath
- Therafin
- Therafin Corporation
- Therapeutic Dimensions
- ThermaCare
- Thermophore
- Thermoskin
- Thomas Medical
- Thought Technology
- Three M
- Tiger Tail
- Tilt-in-Space
- Tollos
- Torex
- Total Gym
- Tri-W-G
- Triad
- Tricky Tree
- Tricofix
- Triode
- Tropic Heater
- Tropic Pac
- Truform
- Tuffcare
- Tuffy
- Tumble Forms
- Tumble Forms 2
- Typenex
- U-Step
- UE Ranger
- Ultra-Move
- United Ad Label
- Valor-Fitness
- Vasyli
- Venture
- Veridian
- Vesco
- Vinco-Blister
- Vionic
- Visco-Gel
- VitalStim
- Wahl
- Walk Easy
- Walker CarryOn!
- Webly
- Weight-Watchers
- Wenzelite
- Western Medical
- WexfordLabs
- Wheel-Ease
- Wheelchair-Solutions
- Whitehall
- Winco
- Workfit
- X-Lite
- Yarlap
- neen
- scigenus